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Growing Ageless
Think young and live younger!
For women who have gone through major life changes, struggled to find themselves, or battled feelings of failure, my book Growing Ageless helps them rewrite the negative talk in their minds.
I learned to put life back into my life and to build an ageless life that makes me look, feel, and live the positivity I always dreamed of, and that you can have, too.

The Reviews say it all...
"When life knocks you down, remember you always have a choice. Sabrina rose up and now inspires entrepreneurs! Love her spirit!"
Gloria Coppola
"Sabrina is not a quitter she is an over comer and you will see that in her book. Her story is inspiring, uplifting, energizing and a great read.✅it out!"
Deidra Pittman, Tax Deivas
"Love Love Love this book!!!"
MK Mueller
Author 8 to Great: The Powerful
Process of Positive Change and
Taking Care of Me: The Habits of Happiness
"Sabrina Protic is a wonderful author, and the stories and advice inside will touch the heart of any reader going through a struggle, or just wanting to improve their life. It is down to earth and heartwrming. I felt so much stronger after reading it! Amazing!"
Elaine Phillips Chamard