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Start the healing process!

“Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives”.    The Art of Healing with Carolyn Harrington

How do we start the healing process when life has dealt us a blow, a broken heart, a loss or some type of defeat?

Step 1: Find the Purpose

Everything you go through serves a purpose. Look at the journey and ponder the details of the pain point you just endured.  Meditate on the role you played the beginning, middle, and end to determine your lesson, your growth, and your new-found beginning.

Step 2:

Now it is time to reframe your perspective and most importantly your mind. Tell yourself, “I didn’t fail; I moved on to the next chapter in my life, it no longer has mastery over me.  Some of our greatest leaders failed their way to the top. Seek out mentorship and fill your mind with motivational and inspirational messages.

Step 3: Bury and Move On

Give yourself permission to grieve, cry, be angry, and hurt. Have you ever heard of the term “bury the dead?”  Reassess the mental images and flashbacks in your mind and cease going back to those moments in time that causes the negativity, emptiness, and pain.

Focus on the NEW YOU with fresh visions and dreams of how your life will bloom. Create a dream board that you can see on a regular basis to help you stay on track. My dream board for 2019 was on my refrigerator and I hit all points on it by the end of the year.

Step 4: Find a new Purpose

You grow when you help others to grow. What are some things you have always wanted to do? What are you good at? What is it that others see in you as a great potential?

Make a list of five things that are meaningful to you.

Working with children, gardening, reading, exercising, etc. How can you turn these things into actions that give back and help others? I found that on my journey to rediscover me, I had to contribute to the well being of my community, family, and friends.

Will you share with us how you have healed from your pain?  We can all benefit from your experiences.

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